Procom Computer

How Can I Return My Keyboard Keys Back to Normal?

Returning your keyboard keys back to normal usually involves addressing the issue of keys being remapped, stuck, or inputting incorrect characters. The solution depends on whether the problem is caused by software settings, such as keyboard layout changes, or by physical issues with the keyboard itself. Below are steps to troubleshoot and resolve common keyboard issues, both for software-related problems and for cleaning or fixing individual keys if they are physically stuck or dirty.


At times, your keyboard may start behaving unexpectedly, with keys producing the wrong characters, not responding correctly, or having been remapped either intentionally or accidentally. This can be due to various reasons, including software settings, accidental spills, or dust accumulation. Restoring your keyboard to its normal functioning involves identifying the cause and applying the appropriate solution.

Understanding the distinction between software and hardware issues is crucial for troubleshooting. Software issues might include incorrect input language settings or accessibility features being turned on by accident, while hardware issues often involve physical obstructions or damage to the keys.

Key Takeaways

  • Identify the Cause: Determine whether the issue is related to software settings or physical problems with the keyboard.
  • Check Language Settings: Ensure the correct keyboard language and layout are selected in your operating system’s settings.
  • Disable Sticky Keys: Turn off accessibility features like Sticky Keys or Filter Keys if they’re unintentionally activated.
  • Clean the Keyboard: If keys are stuck or unresponsive, consider cleaning the keyboard to remove dust, debris, or spills.
  • Reset to Default: For software-related issues, resetting keyboard settings to default can resolve many common problems.
  • Consider Professional Help: If hardware issues are suspected and the problem persists, professional assistance might be necessary.

Resolving Software-Related Issues

Checking Language and Layout Settings

  • Windows: Go to Settings > Time & Language > Language & Region. Check your preferred language and keyboard layout.
  • Mac: Open System Preferences > Keyboard > Input Sources. Ensure the correct keyboard layout is selected.

Disabling Accessibility Features

  • Windows: Search for “Ease of Access keyboard settings” and ensure features like Sticky Keys or Filter Keys are turned off.
  • Mac: Go to System Preferences > Accessibility > Keyboard, and disable any enabled features that might affect key inputs.

Updating or Reinstalling Keyboard Drivers

  • Windows: Go to Device Manager, expand “Keyboards,” right-click your keyboard, and select “Update driver” or “Uninstall device.” Then restart your computer.
  • Mac: macOS typically handles drivers automatically, but ensure your system is up to date with the latest software updates.

Addressing Physical Key Issues

Cleaning Under the Keys

  • Use compressed air to blow out debris from under the keys. For more thorough cleaning, carefully remove keycaps (if your keyboard design allows) and gently clean underneath with a soft, dry brush or cloth.

Fixing Stuck Keys

  • After removing the keycap, check for any visible obstructions or damage. Clean the area with isopropyl alcohol and a cotton swab to remove sticky residues.

Key Replacement

  • If a key is damaged, consider replacing the keycap or the entire key mechanism. Key replacement kits are available for many keyboard models, but ensure compatibility before purchasing.


Restoring your keyboard keys back to normal involves troubleshooting to determine whether the issue is software or hardware-related. For software issues, checking language settings, disabling accessibility features, and updating drivers can resolve many problems. For hardware issues, cleaning the keyboard and fixing or replacing stuck or damaged keys can restore functionality. If the problem persists, especially with hardware issues, seeking professional help might be the best course of action.


How can I clean my keyboard without damaging it?

Use compressed air to remove loose debris and isopropyl alcohol with a cotton swab for sticky residues. Avoid using too much liquid, which can seep into the electronics.

What should I do if a keycap is broken?

You can often purchase replacement keycaps for your specific keyboard model. Make sure to check compatibility before buying.

Can software updates affect my keyboard settings?

Yes, software updates can sometimes change settings or introduce new features that may affect keyboard behavior. Always check settings after an update if you notice changes.

Why do my keyboard keys input the wrong characters?

This is often due to incorrect language or keyboard layout settings. Ensure your system is set to the correct input method.

What if my laptop keyboard is malfunctioning?

For laptops, the troubleshooting steps are similar, but if the problem persists, it might be integrated into the hardware issue, requiring professional service.


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